IJMES has moved to online submissions. All articles should now be uploaded as MS Word documents through our ScholarOne system. 

 The ScholarOne system can be accessed here

Submitted articles should be between 7,000-10,000 words and should not exceed 35 double-spaced pages (including text, notes, and figures). IJMES editorial policy requires that articles be based on original research and the careful analysis of archival and other primary-source materials. IJMES evaluates manuscripts with the understanding that they have not been published elsewhere in any language and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

All submissions must include a 150-word abstract along with three or four key words at the start of the article.

Within two weeks of receipt, IJMES sends authors either an official confirmation email or a notification that the submission does not conform to journal guidelines. If you do not hear from us within two weeks of submitting an article, please inquire. Submitted manuscripts that conform to IJMES guidelines are evaluated by the editorial office, usually within 4-8 weeks of receipt. Those that show the greatest promise of being published in IJMES are then submitted to several anonymous reviewers who specialize in the area(s) most relevant to the manuscript. The first round of peer review is typically completed 3-6 months from the date of submission. In most cases, even articles recommended for publication are subject to a revision process, a second round of peer review, and several rounds of editing after acceptance. For the last several years, total time from submission to print in IJMES has averaged 18 months.

All articles and reviews accepted for publication in IJMES may be published online, in FirstView, ahead of issue publication. These papers are considered to be the Version of Record and can be cited using their DOI. No changes can be made to the FirstView version of an article with the exception of the addition of issue page numbers.  Papers in FirstView are readily available to anyone with a current subscription to IJMES, including MESA members.